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Date Title Speaker Type Series Service Files Play
02/15/18 Take Up Your Cross Daily (Mark 8.22-9.1) Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_02_04_Take_Up_Your_Cross_APeters.mp3
01/14/18 Everyone Can Be an Andrew Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_01_14_Everyone_Can_Be_an_Andrew_APeters.mp3
01/07/18 Cultivating Church Growth (Acts 2.41-47) Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM 2018_01_07_Cultivating_Church_Growth.mp3
12/09/17 Redemption is Possilbe (2 Cor 5.14-21) Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017_12_09_Redemption_is_Possilbe_APeters.mp3
12/03/17 James: Jesus' Toughest Win Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017_12_03_Jesus_Toughtest_Win.mp3
11/19/17 David and Jonathan: Friendship Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM 2017_11_19_David_and_Jonathan.mp3
11/05/17 Sin of Achan (Joshua 7) Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM nov_5_sin_of_achen.mp3
08/06/17 How Do We Live In Line with the Gospel? (Gal 2.11-21) Abe Peters Sermon The Gospel in Galatians Sun AM Aug_6_In_Line_with_the_Gospel.mp3
07/30/17 Special Service: Crucifixion Remembrance David Johnson Sermon N/A Sun AM Jul_30_Crucifixtion_Rememberance_Service.mp3
07/23/17 Man's Gospel or God's Gospel? (Gal 1.11-2.14 Abe Peters Sermon The Gospel in Galatians Sun AM Audio_recording_2017-07-23_Abe_Peters_Mans_Gospel_or_Gods_Gospel_Gal_1.11-2.14_10-49-12.mp3
07/16/17 Are There More Than One Gospel? (Gal 1.1-10) Abe Peters Sermon The Gospel in Galatians Sun AM 2017-07-16_Are_there_More_than_One_Gospel_Gal_1.1-10.mp3
07/09/17 What is the Gospel? (Intro to Series: Gospel in Galatians) Abe Peters Sermon The Gospel in Galatians Sun AM Jul_9_2017_Abe_Peters_What_is_the_Gospel_AM.mp3
06/11/17 All In: Parable of the Hidden Treasure (Matt 13.44-45) Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM Jun_11_All_in.mp3
02/12/17 Psalm 51: Confession Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM Psalm_51_2017_1_12.mp3
09/04/16 Preach the Word Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM 1_Tim_4_1-5.mp3
08/28/16 Struggle and Sin Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM Struggle_and_Sin.mp3
08/21/16 For a Bowl of Soup Abe Peters Sermon Genesis Sun AM For_a_Bowl_of_Soup.mp3
08/14/16 The Lord Will Provide Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM The_Lord_Will_Provide_audio.mp3
08/07/16 What Makes Them So Special (Abraham and Sarah) Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM what_makes_them_so_special.mp3
07/31/16 The Tower of Babel (Genesis 11) Abe Peters Sermon Genesis Sun AM Tower_Of_Babel_Post.mp3
04/17/16 Should We Keep the Old Testament? Abe Peters Sermon N/A Sun AM Abe_sermon_04172016_1.mp3

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